농업생명과학대학 국외학술교류 (10개국 18개 대학)
국가 | 교류대학 |
네덜란드 | Wageningen University |
몽골 | Mongolian State University of Agriculture |
Mongolian International University | |
베트남 | Tay Nguyen University |
Vietnam National University of Agriculture | |
영국 | University of Leeds |
인도네시아 | Gadjah Mada University |
일본 | Chiba University |
Hokkaido University | |
Osaka University | |
중국 | Changchun University of Chinese Medicine |
Jinlin University(College of Agriculture) | |
Shenyang Agricultural University | |
캄보디아 | Mean Chey University |
Royal University of Agriculture | |
탄자니아 | College of Life Sciences Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology |
태국 | Kasetsart University |
Silpakom University |